by Caitlin Collins
Casoncelli (kah-son-chell-ee) are a special kind of ravioli with origins in Lombardia, a northeastern region of Italy. New this week, the casoncelli are filled with springtime asparagus.
Robiola La Tur, Crispy Braised Pork Belly
Casoncelli is a unique example of ravioli despite its many interpretations because the pocket containing the pasta filling is folded, thereby creating more vessels for delicious ragus and sauces. Our pasta crafter Tim Stewart experimented with four different pasta shapes before deciding on a signature spiral form.
Tim begins by running a classic egg yolk pasta dough through the pasta maker until it is a consistent thickness. It is then cut and folded to a more approachable size.
The filling for our asparagus casoncelli is made of asparagus, ricotta cheese, Robiola La Tur, spring onion, and green garlic. La Tur is a cow, goat, and sheep's milk cheese which is extremely soft and delicious, and like casoncelli, La Tur's origins are in northern Italy.
Tim seals the pasta, cuts out triangles, and folds the pasta into his signature form.
The asparagus casoncelli is served with crispy pork belly and asparagus on the pasta portion of our dinner menu. We're excited to bring it into the spring lineup!
looks wonderful! i'll be in for these for sure.